Introduction of small ICU ambulance


With a small ICU ambulance’s help, we can use all intensive care services and equipment to support the sick or injured patient. The only difference between an ICU ambulance and a large or small cabin is that some of the equipment is selected from smaller volumes, and some facilities such as oxygen tanks are installed in such ambulances with a smaller volume. There is no difference between small and large ICU ambulances in terms of equipment quality or level of service. Still, usually small cabin ambulances are considered for city missions so that we can rely on the dimensions of the ambulance to provide our services to patients more quickly. Such ambulances’ mission does not end with the transfer of the sick or injured patient from the scene to hospitals or medical centers. In many cases, when medical centers do not have the necessary equipment to diagnose the disease or the severity of injuries, patients must use this transfer such ambulances to diagnostic and imaging centers such as CT scans and MRIs.