Everything about CODE ambulances

We want to examine the special ambulance in the definition of VIP ambulance. It should be said that these ambulances are a very special example of hospital paramedics. Because it has advantages over other ambulances, this is why this ambulance is superior to other ambulances.


What does a special ambulance like?

The intensive care unit structure is similar to those used in intensive care units, with the only difference in staff number.

The advantage of a special ambulance is that everything is done in a specific order and speed. Another advantage is that these ambulances’ medical staff is fluent in common languages ​​such as Arabic, Turkish, English, French, and Kurdish. Therefore, such ambulances are allowed to cross the border and through them, aid can be provided to the injured.


How many types of ambulances are there?

In general, ambulances are divided into three categories:

  1. Ambulances related to the ICU (ground)
  2. VIP ambulances (ground)
  3. Rescue Helicopters (Air Jet Ambulance)

Ambulances are used to transport patients to the hospital from one region to another and throughout the country. Ambulances act as a mobile hospital from the time they visit the injured person. Doctors treat the patient in an ambulance until they arrive at the hospital, for example, ICU ambulances, which are also special ambulances.

It is used to transport patients whose conditions are urgent and in a specific age range. VIP ambulances are also used to assist in a very urgent way and more critical situations.

Another example of ambulances is related to the aviation sector, which is used to transport the injured from one city to another.


How is the equipment used in the special ambulance?

  1. The design and structure inside the VIP ambulance and the facilities that this ambulance has, are such that very acute patients can be treated.
  2. Patients are placed under intensive care in VIP ambulances, and if necessary, two medical teams will be deployed to assist the patient.
  3. VIP ambulances are advanced in such a way that they have all the facilities available in the ICU space of the hospital.


What is the meaning of air ambulance?

In some cases, the patient’s condition may be severe. The city and province where she lives may not fully address her situation, in which case she/he should be transferred to other cities with sufficient facilities.

For this purpose, air ambulances are used, they are speedy and have sufficient equipment, and the patient is treated in these ambulances until she/he reaches her destination.


When is a medical escort ambulance used?

Medical escort ambulances are used during sports competitions, car races, and group trips of public or private bodies.


How are psychiatric patients transferred to hospitals?


To transport psychiatric patients to the hospital done by experienced medical staff and using very special ambulances designed for such people.